“The glass baby, filled with light, sits before us like a god. It is the Existence as a prayer for the future.”
「仏さまのような、光を内包した赤ちゃん。 それは、未来に向けた、祈りとしての存在。」
Matsufuji has long been interested in the materiality of glass. In the early stages of his career, he produced works which investigated the concept of death. However, after his father's sudden death, Matsufuji began to create babies which symbolize the beginning of life and represent an entity which can become anything in the future. He also makes the babies into Buddha statues or Kabuki actors, addressing additional aspects of human life through his works.
Works in the Baby Series are produced using the lost-wax kiln casting technique. First, he sculpts the babies in wax and then encases their forms with refractory plaster to create molds. After melting out the wax, he fills the molds with glass which is then melted in an electric kiln at a temperature of 860°C. The glass is then cooled slowly over several days. After divesting the glass, he carefully hand-finishes the surface of each work, creating a mysterious sense of vitality. Finally, when he inserts the babies'eyes, its soul is born. The glass babies, look like a grown-up, are somewhere humorous and also lovely.